object recognition

Colt Data Centres, Mumbai

City of London Telecom (COLT) approached DVSI to help them showcase the company’s history and its phenomenal growth story in the Welcome Zone of their new Data Centre.

DVSI suggested their Tangible Object Recognition table, as a new and engaging way to tell their story. An object recognition table is able to react to both standard multi-finger touch and also has the power to turn any 3D object into a recognisable touch trigger.

Colt installed a 55” object touch table, connected to an LCD video wall. Special content was created from their standard powerpoint decks, and a physical touch wheel created to allow a user to scroll through the media selections.

The content is showcased both on the touch screen and the large video wall. With the object table triggering a range of different story narratives.

object recognition provides a simple and effective way to transform traditional media


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