Accenture, Bangalore
The more complex a product, the harder it can be to find interesting ways to consistently communicate and sell its benefits. Turning data heavy software solutions into engaging sales pitches takes creative skill and a keen understanding of the technologies.
DVSI, armed with a kit of projectors, sensors and smart creative did just this to one of Accenture’s key enterprise solutions. This dramatic and unforgettable interactive experience has users select a story from a row of cards and place it on a clean interactive surface. Immediately the in-built sensors identify the card and launch a content sequence that in turns brings data, video and sales information to life in a rich UI with sequenced animation and music. The otherwise ‘hard to sell’ features of the products are brought to exhilarating graphical life in this award winning digital implementation.
Select A Topic
A projected light strobes across the library of cards, inviting the user to select the product or story card they want to learn more about.
A ceiling mounted projector and selection of acrylic cards built into a custom table structure.
The Story Comes Alive
A sequence of lines appear from the dots and track up to present different combinations of data, graphics, images and dashboards, telling an energy packed mixed media story.
The DVSI creative and UI team have researched and consolidated the key product / story information into a range of animated gaphics sets, videos and images to tell the story in a highly engaging and unique way.
‘Wow Factor’
An ‘Iron Man’ style experience that will ensure dwell time and make a permanent impression on the visitor. A uniquely memorable way to engage with large volumes of complex data.
An award winning experience that seamlessly combines the full range of DVSI’s creative, technical and deployment skills.
Place The Card
The table recognises the card and a dynamic projection sequence is immediately triggered.
Sensors beneath the table surface communicate with the DVSI control platform to trigger the animations.